Preserving Slow Living

As vaccinations continue to roll out, thoughts of normalcy are on the horizon, though the distance of that horizon varies depending on so many factors. Christine and Asha talk about how they’re planning to preserve slow in relation to work travel, communication, kids’ activities, schedules, routines, and more.

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Green Chef is a USDA-certified organic meal kit company that offers a range of menus including keto, paleo, vegan, and vegetarian Go to and use code 90EYL to get $90 off including free shipping.

Resources mentioned in this episode

Question Of The Week

What is one slow thing you want to preserve from pandemic life? Join the discussion on the Edit Your Life Facebook page—look for the Question Of The Week post pinned to the top of the page.


Edit Your Life: Preserving Slow Living
Edit Your Life: Preserving Slow Living


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